CONTACT US TODAY AT 773-531-7719

JERMAINE LAWRENCE ANDERSON & THE GENTLEMEN are available to provide inspirational messages on topics including: entrepreneurship, leadership development, personal growth, life-coaching and success. Please complete the form below to request JERMAINE LAWRENCE ANDERSON or THE GENTLEMEN to be a part of your next event. Once the form has been completed, someone from our office will contact you with the next steps in securing your request.
Street Address
Zip/Postal Code
Business Phone
Business Fax
Email Address
Contact Person
Cell Phone
Date of Event
Time of Event
Event Location
Will you provide an honorarium?
If yes, how much?
Will the event be audio recorded?
Will the event be video recorded?
Event Theme/Subject
Schedule of Speaking Time(s)
Are there other speakers?
Who is the attending audience?
How many people are expected to attend the event?
How many people are expected to attend the session?
Booking for The Gentlemen...
Please click the 'SUBMIT' button only once
Is this booking request for Jermaine Lawrence Anderson or The Gentlemen?
If so, list names here